Internet radio continues to encroach on the space once occupied by terrestrial radio, reportsRadio World. According to the article “Radio’s Last Fortress Under Siege,” the dramatic growth in deployment and penetration of residential broadband Internet access was largely responsible for this attack. Now, instead of limiting radio listening to the workplace or car, people can listen to it at home. Another reason for this invasion, according to the article, is that Wi-Fi gave Webcasting more freedom in terms of around the house, at work, and other commercial spaces. Now broadband wireless WANs, such as 3G services and devices, have made listening to music online portable for the first time. The final step to making Internet radio completely portable is having it available in the car. The following are some examples of future and current technology that can do just that.
The first invention would be the creation of in-dash hardware units that add wireless broadband capabilities to the car audio system; although both radio professionals and consumers agree that it may take years before this can be developed. The second more practical possibility is using an iPod/Phone dock in the car. In fact, according to the article , the most recent iPhone 3G S makes it easier to listen to Internet radio in the car.
“Thus the Internet radio invasion is now nearly complete, with no broadcast venue spared from its presence. Internet radio now goes wherever broadcast radio goes — and with flat-rate wireless broadband service plans you can listen all day (or until the battery runs out) to any